Know about the psychology of economic bubbles and its impact on ordinary people


NARRATOR: In modern Western capitalism, speculation, expectation, and ignorance often collide to create a perfect storm of irrational financial exuberance. An economic bubble.

SPEAKER 2: A bubble is simply where prices continue to rise beyond the true value of what it is that we are talking about. People buy simply because they believe that everybody else is going to buy.

SPEAKER 3: During bubbles, we know that you have these mechanisms of herd behavior, where I value a firm, not really because I know its underlying profits and earnings, but I think that you're valuing it highly. I don't want to lose out by not getting involved in the game.

NARRATOR: The economist John Maynard Keynes recognized that all finance involved a gamble on the future.

SPEAKER 2: One thing we know about the future is that we don't know what the future is going to be like. And therefore we have to base our decisions on an expectation.

NARRATOR: Keynes believed that because we can't know the future, we are guided instead by our animal spirits.

SPEAKER 4: The herd mentality drives a lot of the bubble-like behavior that we see. That unwillingness to stand alone from the crowd is undoubtedly the major extender of all bubbles.

SPEAKER 5: I liken it to a group of dogs that I saw a circus once. Of these big sheep dogs. And they were slobbering and jumping all over each other. And they all run in one direction until they pile up in a corner. And then they get up, and they start going in the other direction full speed, until they crash into that. And I think there's a degree to which markets work like that.

NARRATOR: One of the biggest bubbles of the past century was the late-90s dot-com boom.

SPEAKER 6: It was an insane market. You didn't have to know anything. You don't have to do any research. You just bought what everybody else buying, and it went up. It was ridiculous. All logic went out the window.

SPEAKER 7: The adjectives we usually use to describe bubbles are manic. There's an element of insanity, delusional, euphoric, overconfident. And that's what people look like when they're caught up in bubbles.

SPEAKER 8: We all thought, God, we're going to be rich. And we really would have been rich. But it was a completely unsustainable business model. It was just totally mad. It was a bloodbath.

NARRATOR: Bubbles are sometimes compared to fads, meaning they don't last forever. But when an economic bubble busts, the consequences can be catastrophic.

SPEAKER 9: I feel the knock-on effect of bubbles does impact on ordinary people. It's the ordinary people who suffer from the petrol prices and the unemployment and the lack of investment in public services.

NARRATOR: If they can cause such damage, is there a way to regulate against bubbles? Or must we leave the markets to find their own level? Either way, it's clear that in a fast-moving economy, what seemed to be a one-way bet, a guaranteed winning hand, can quickly become a busted flush.